Nicole D. Snyder is a member of the Education and Litigation practice groups and concentrates her practice in the areas of special education law, education law, charter school law and insurance defense. She advises, represents and defends schools, businesses and individuals in complex matters litigated at the administrative and appellate levels; assists schools and organizations in developing legally compliant policies; routinely attends board meetings; trains and advises school personnel and boards; analyzes and comments upon pertinent legislation and regulatory changes; and conducts informative trainings for school personnel and school boards on a variety of legal topics, including; IDEA and Section 504 adherence; confidentiality of student records; ethical issues; student discipline, attendance and positive behavioral support; assistance for homeless students; charter applications and renewals and general Public School Code and Charter School Law compliance.
Ms. Snyder is invited as a frequent lecturer on education and special education law topics at various state and national conferences.
Prior to joining the firm, Ms. Snyder served as a judicial law clerk for the Honorable Bonnie Brigance Leadbetter of the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania. In law school, Ms. Snyder clerked for the Honorable Juan R. Sanchez while he then presided over matters in the Chester County Court of Common Pleas.
Areas of Practice
- Special Education
- Education law
- Charter school law
- Education policy and reform
- Litigation & insurance defense.
Bar Admissions
- Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
- Supreme Court of New Jersey
- Supreme Court of Ohio
- U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Pennsylvania
- U.S. District Court, Middle District of Pennsylvania
- U.S. District Court, Western District of Pennsylvania
- U.S. District Court, District of New Jersey
- United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit
- Villanova University School of Law, Villanova, Pennsylvania
- Degree: Juris Doctor, May 2001
- Honors: Phi Delta Phi Legal Fraternity
- Activities: Moot Court Executive Board, Reimel Administrator
- Villanova University, Villanova, Pennsylvania
- Degree: Bachelor of Arts, magna cum laude, May 1998
- Honors:
- Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society
- English Honor Society
- Activities: English Tutor, Pre-Law Society, Special Olympics Volunteer
Professional Associations and Memberships
- Pennsylvania Bar Association
- New Jersey Bar Association
- Ohio Bar Association
- Chester County Bar Association
- Education Law Association (ELA)
- Alliance of Public Charter School Attorneys
- International Association for K-12 Online Learning (iNACOL)
- PBA Legal Services for Exceptional Children Committee
Representative Lectures & Presentations:
- NBI’s Minnesota Webinar on February 7, 2023: “Special Education Law”
- NBI’s 3-hour Live National Webinar on December 7, 2022: “IEPs and FAPE: Advanced Challenges”
- NBI’s Webinar on November 29, 2022: “School Law: Handling Mental Health”
- PBI’s Exceptional Children’s Conference on October 14, 2022: “Transition from Brick & Mortar to Virtual School and School Avoidance/Phobia”
- Pennsylvania Coalition of Public Charter Schools Annual Conference on September 22, 2022: “Empowering Online and Blended Programs to Customize Legally Sound Opportunities for Individuals with Disabilities, Especially in a Post-COVID-19 World”
- NBI’s Presentation on May 19, 2022: “IDEA and Private Schools 2022: What you Need to Know Now”
- Pennsylvania Coalition of Public Charter Schools “How to Start a Charter” Presentation on May 13, 2022: “After the Application – Hearings, Reapplications, and Appeals”
- NBI’s 6 Hour National Webcast on April 25, 2022: “Special Education Law”
- NBI’s Minnesota Webcam Event on February 15, 2022: “School Law: Handling Mental Health Issues”
- NBI’s School Law Webinar on November 30, 2021: “Handling Mental Health Issues”
- PBI’s Presentation on November 8, 2021: “Title IX and Religion”
- Aurora’s Institute Presentation on October 26, 2021: “Empowering Online and Blended Programs to Customize Legally Sound Opportunities for Individuals with Disabilities, Especially in a Post-COVID-19 World”
- Pennsylvania Coalition of Public Charter Schools Annual Conference on October 22, 2021: Navigating Emerging Special Education and Mental Health Issues in Charter Schools and Cyber Charter Schools in Light of the COVID-19 Pandemic”
- PBI’s Exceptional Children’s Conference, to co-present on October 25, 2019:
“Due Process Litigation Strategy” - Pennsylvania Coalition of Public Charter Schools Annual Conference, to co-present in October 2019, Harrisburg, PA:
“Developing an Effective and Compliant Special Education Program for your Charter School” - International Association for K-12 Online Learning (iNACOL) Conference, to co-present in October 2019, Palm Springs, CA:
“Empowering Online and Blended Programs to Customize Legally Sound Opportunities for Individuals with Disabilities” - Education Law Association (ELA) Annual Conference, to co-present on November 14, 2019, Norfolk, Virginia:
“Are we ready? …Intervention through Transition…” - Pennsylvania Bar Institute School Law Update, June 4, 2019, Philadelphia, PA, co-authored and co-presented:
- “Charter Schools & Special Education in Pennsylvania”
- Lehigh University’s 47th Annual Special Education Law Symposium, May 2019, co-authored and co-presented:
“Charter Schools & Students with Disabilities” - NBI, IEP & 504 Plan Legal Workshop, April 25, 2019, Pennsylvania, co-authored and co-presented:
“FBAs, BIPs: Ensuring Best Practices” & Discipline & Expulsion Essentials under IDEA &Section 504” - Education Law Association, National Conference, November 2018, Cleveland Ohio, co-presented stand alone session:
“Before, Beside, and Beyond the ABCs: The Legal Case for Implementing a Proactive, Preventative & Collaborative Framework of Informed Behavioral, Social-Emotional & Mental Health Interventions and Supports for Students Protected under IDEA & Section 504 - iNACOL, National Conference, October 2018, Nashville, TN:
“Empowering Online & Blended Programs to Customize Legally Sound Opportunities for Individuals with Disabilities” - Pennsylvania Bar Institute (PBI), Exceptional Children’s Conference, October 2018, Lancaster, PA:
“Bullying and Students with Disabilities” - Latsha, Davis & McKenna, P.C., May 2018, hosted by 21st Century Cyber Charter School:
“Spring Legal Update & Special Education Training” - Lehigh University’s 46th Annual Special Education Law Symposium, May, 2018 co-authored/co-presented:
“Child Find: Knowing Where & How” - AIM Academy Professional Open House for Private & Independent Schools, February 2018, co-presented:
“Laws Applicable to Independent Schools and Students with Disabilities” - Latsha, Davis & McKenna, P.C., January 2018, hosted by MaST Community Charter School, Philadelphia, PA:
“Special Education Training & Legal Update” - Education Law Association, National Conference, November 2017, co-presented, San Diego, CA:
“Supreme Rulings: Are Endrew and Fry Changing the Profile of Special Education?” - Education Law Association, National Conference, November 2017, co-presented, San Diego, CA:
“Social Media: Instructional Imperative or Legal Liability” - International Association for K-12 Online Learning (iNACOL) National Conference, October 2017, Orlando, FL:
“Empowering Online and Blended Programs to Customize Legally Sound Opportunities for Individuals with Disabilities” - New Jersey Charter School Association, Annual Conference, September 2017, co-presented, Newark, NJ:
“Employment And Labor Law: A Year In Review” - Lehigh University’s 45th Annual Special Education Conference, May 2017, co-presented, Lehigh, PA:
“Transition: Making It Work from Early Intervention to Aging Out” - American Education Research Association (AERA) National Conference, April, 2017 co-authored/co-presented, San Antonio, TX:
“Parents’ Use of Litigation to Enhance the Experience of Students’ with Disabilities in Online Schools” - International Association for K-12 Online Learning (iNACOL) National Conference, November 2016, San Antonio, TX:
“Empowering Online and Blended Programs to Customize Legally Sound Opportunities for Individuals with Disabilities” - Education Law Association, National Conference, November 2016, Orlando, FL, co-presented:
“Response to Intervention: Fidelity or Myth?” - Ohio Alliance for Public Charter School (OAPCS), October, 2016, Columbus, OH:
“Empowering Schools to Meet the Diverse Needs of Special Education Students” - Pennsylvania Coalition of Public Charter Schools, Making a Difference in Charter Schools Conference, October, 2016, Exton, PA:
“Meaningfully & Legally Addressing the Social, Emotional & Behavioral Needs of Students through Effective Partnerships and Interagency Collaboration” - Jenkins Law Library, August 2016 in Philadelphia, PA:
“Introduction to Charter School Law” - Alabama State Department of Education MEGA Conference, Mobile, Alabama, July 2016
“Special Education in Online Schools and Charter Schools” - Alabama State Department of Education Webinar Series: Online and Charter School Special Education/ Section 504 Issues, 2016
- American Education Research Association (AERA), April, 2016 co-authored/co-presented in Washington D.C.:
“Culturally Inclusive Referral for Cyber School Students: From Pre-referral to Appropriate Eligibility for diverse Students” - Lehigh University Special Education Law Symposium, May, 2016 co-authored/co-presented:
“An Analysis of Charter Schools and Public Schools: Is It Just Me or Are Chapters 711 and 14 Really the Same?” - Lehigh University Special Education Law Symposium, May, 2015 co-authored/co-presented:
“Legally Sound 504 Practices in Charter Schools” - PBI Current Issues for Child Advocates Conference 2015, co-presented in PA:
“Comparing the Changes in the Child Protective Services Law” - Exceptional Children’s Conference (ECC) Monday, October 27, 2014 in Lancaster, PA.
“Charter Schools, Cyber Charter Schools and the Evolving Impact of School Choice in Special Education” - International Association for K-12 Online Learning (iNACOL), November 3, 2014, Palm Springs, CA.
“Student Support Services Solution Connecting Legal, Policy and Practical Issues in Online Blended Programs” - “Empowering Online and Blended Programs to Customize Legally Sound Opportunities for Individuals with Disabilities”
- Education Law Association (ELA)Wednesday, November 12, 2014 at the Sheraton San Diego, Bay Tower in San Diego, CA.
- “Appropriate Planning For Children with Emotional Disturbance and Mental Health Needs: An Examination Of Issues, Case Law, And Recommendations Under Idea And Section 504”
- Ohio Alliance for Public Charter School (OAPCS) Wednesday, October 15, 2014 at Kalahari Resort in Sandusky, Ohio.
- “Legal & Practical Aspects of Educating Students with Disabilities in a Virtual Setting”
- “Charter School Trends in Ohio Valley”
- West Chester University Graduate Program Class on “Assistive Technology.,” July 23, 2014
- American Education Research Association (AERA), 2013:
- “Chartering New Territory: Cyber Schools, Charter Schools And Virtual Special Education: Pitfalls, Obstacles, Dilemmas And Solutions”
- Lehigh University Education Law Symposium, 2013 co-authored/co-presented, Lehigh, PA:
“The Impact of the DSM in IDEA and Section 504 Matters” - iNACOL National Conferences 2012 and 2013 co-presentations, New Orleans, LA and Orlando, FL:
“Legal and Practical Aspects of Educating Students with Disabilities” - Education Law Association, 2013, co-authored/co-presented, Denver, CO:
“Bullying Issues Impacting Students with Disabilities: Highlights of Section 504 and IDEA Cases with Recommendations for Schools” - Education Law Association, 2012, co-authored /co-presented, Hilton Head, SC:
“IDEA Transition Plans: What is required to ensure FAPE for students with disabilities?” co-authored/co-presented - Lehigh University Special Education Law Symposium, 2012 co-authored/co-presented, Lehigh, PA:
“Roles and Responsibilities of the IEP Team” - Pennsylvania Coalition of Public Charter Schools Annual Conferences, 2006, 2009, PA:
“Training Exceptional Administrators and Teachers for Exceptional Students” - Pennsylvania Coalition of Public Charter Schools Special Education for Cyber Charter Schools Seminar, 2011
Co-presented on special education in cyber schools - Pennsylvania Bar Institute Exceptional Children’s Conferences, 2009, 2010, 2011, Lancaster, PA:
“Ethical Considerations for Special Education Attorneys” - Education Law Association, Chicago, Illinois, 2011 co-authored and co-presented:
“Homeless Students/McKinney-Vento Act” - New Jersey Charter School Association Conferences, Princeton, NJ, 2011, 2012:
“Student Speech, Safety & Searches in a Digital Age” - Pennsylvania Department of Education Charter School Conference, 2008
Presented on new state regulations for charter schools following the IDEA 2004 Reauthorization
- Kevin P. Brady, Charles J. Russo, Cynthia Dietrich, and Allen G. Osborne, Jr., Legal Issues in Special Education: Principles, Policies and Practices, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group (2019)
- Cynthia A. Dieterich, Nicole D. Snyder, and Christine J. Villani, Functional Behavioral Assessments and Behavioral Intervention Plans: Review of the Law and Recent Cases, 2017 BYU Educ. & L.J. 195 (2017).
- Cynthia A. Dieterich, Nicole D. Snyder, and Christine J. Villani, A Legal Study of Children with Emotional Disturbance and Mental Health Needs and Implications for Practice. Journal of Law and Education, 45(1), 39-64 (2016).
- Cynthia A. Dieterich, Nicole DiRado Snyder, and Christine Villani, Bullying Issues Impacting Students with Disabilities: Highlights of Section 1983, Title IX, Section 504, ADA, and IDEA Cases, 2015 BYU Educ. & L.J. 107 “IDEA Transition: Individualizing Educational Opportunities for Students with Disabilities.” In S.C. Bon, J.C. Sun, & K. Miksch (Eds.), Law & Educational Inequality: Removing Barriers to Educational Opportunities, publication date 2015, Information Age Publishing.
- Susan C. Bon , Nicole D. Snyder , (2015), Hope for Homeless Youth: The McKinney-Vento Act and the Promise of Educational Access and Opportunity, in Anthony H. Normore , Patricia A. L. Ehrensal , Patricia F. First , Mario S. Torres (ed.) Legal Frontiers in Education: Complex Law Issues for Leaders, Policymakers and Policy Implementers (Advances in Educational Administration, Volume 24) Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp.181 – 200.